Dum-dee-dum-dumb Damn Derby!


Sep 18, 2005
So I stagger out of Churchill and a half hour later I am finally with beer in hand at nearest bar amongst a crowd all talking Derby. I look around and gather nobody had winner because no one is dancing on tables or hooting etc. So I finally talk to this group to my left – long story short, the nice looking lady had Rich Strike. I freak out and congratulate nonetheless. So all the while I was waiting for seat at bar to open and while I was chatting with new friends a couple of guys sneak up on my right and grab seats I was waiting on and I'm left still standing and have not sat in hours. I’m a little PO’ed but I don’t think they did anything sinister to acquire stools. So the older gent of the pair is flashing thru his cellphone pics and blows up this one betting ticket. I think that I might have spotted a ’21’ number – but not positive. So finally we make eye contact and he asks “Howya doin?” I give him the metzah-metz hand gesture and I say “Okay but not as good as these 2,, they just had the damn winner in the Derby!” He nods his head slowly and says – “Yeah same here, I had the 21 too, but had exacta actually…” I slap my forehead. “Wait a fkg min!...You are the first 2 people I talk to after races and you BOTH had Rich Strike! GIMME A BREAK!” I say with a laugh but inside I’m kind of freaking. So we talk about the races of the weekend, to include the Oaks – we both had nice trifecta (and I don’t feel like a complete loser) – and soon after he has to take phone call so he steps outside for fresh air.

Meanwhile a couple step up to bar in his spot and there is that awkward confusion as the bartender asks if they want drinks and he knows that I had been trying to flag her down now for 5 minutes or more. So he lets me go first (I got his drink as appreciation)and I order as I am dying for a beer and a shot after seeing every other drinker with shot glass in front of him/her. We toast. Then after intros (his gf walked off at this point) I say “You are not going to believe this, but the only 2 people I have spoken to so far both had that Rich Strike!” He opens his mouth and I assume the look on his face is disbelief but instead he offers up --- “My girlfriend ____ (Anita?) had him too… unbelievable…I’m supposed to be the handicapper and she nails it!”

I actually get a shiver up my spine realizing he is being honest and then ham it up by dropping to one knee faking a heart attack. I regather and his gal is back and I just shake my head at her and she figures out what was just discussed. She smiles and gives me a tongue wag and off they go back to their table.

So many of you here are probably half decent at probability and I want to know what the odds are on getting involved with 3 parties, and 3 only, out of the 100,000 plus who attended race and all 3 had 80-1 winner. Is this million-to-one shit? Or how about half-million? Remember, that is 3 for 3 there. When I finally exited I asked a happy fella who had been smiling for past hour if he too had winner, half expecting him to say yes, but alas he too had the same horses I boxed in trifectas… so I said to his confusion “Thank God!” and headed back out into the night.

{FWIW at my next stop down the road apiece I spoke with 4 diff parties who played race and one more gal had it. She put win bets on her birthday #s = 8-21-89 or 8,9 and 21}

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